Home 9 Firm News 9 Keys to a Peaceful Mother’s Day


To all of those hard working mom’s out there, this is the month we all wait for, the time we all so desperately need – Mother’s Day weekend. This is your time to receive thanks (or something similar to it) from your loving child for all of the sacrifices you make, time you spend and effort you put into that making that little person in your life a successful, strong adult.

That being said, please make sure you understand the time you are entitled with your child(ren). Look to your custody or visitation order for holiday schedules, which will typically cover Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

The Texas Family Law Code’s Standard Visitation Guidelines for Mother’s Day:
(6) if a conservator, the mother shall have possession of the child beginning at 6 p.m. on the Friday preceding Mother’s Day and ending on Mother’s Day at 6 p.m., provided that, if she is not otherwise entitled under this standard order to present possession of the child, she picks up the child from the residence of the conservator entitled to possession and returns the child to that same place.

This 2017, Mother’s Day falls on the second weekend of the month. So, if you are the primary parent under a Standard Possession Order, you have this weekend of possession already. If you do not, remember its now yours and you get to spend the weekend with your little one so long as you do the driving to pick up and return the child.

Texas child visitation orders may differ from the norm to accommodate family situations so you should always check your decree first! If in doubt about your holiday visitation time, contact a family law attorney who can help you to make sure nothing happens to affect this special season with your children.

Helpful tips to remember about Mother’s Day:

Eliminate surprise. Remind your co-parent about Mother’s Day weekend now if you are not already going to be in possession. This will eliminate the surprise. Obviously you will need to put that request in writing.

It may not be too late to request it. If your current custody order doesn’t cover Mother’s Day, you may still be able to work out some arrangement with the other parent. At this point, it is too late to have it heard by a Court, but remind your co-parent about the importance of this time for your and your child and offer to make similar arrangements for Father’s Day.

Enjoy your time. Remind your child how lucky you are to be the mother to such amazing children. Make this weekend all about you and the children and do not badmouth your ex when spending time with your children.

Play Fair.  Sometimes when a child doesn’t get his/her way with one parent, he/she will go to the other, hoping for a more favorable outcome. You might feel generous on Mother’s Day and be tempted to indulge your little one, but try to resist the urge, especially if it’s unfair to the other parent.

Be on time.  It so important for your child to understand how important spending time with them is so BE ON TIME for pick up this Mother’s Day. If you have to travel to your co-parent’s home when you normally don’t, try to force a smile and let the exchange be an easy one. Children notice and will appreciate it too.

Father’s Day- As I said, its right around the corner so try and set a course of conduct this year for an easy exchange and happy children and hope that your co-parent will follow suit and behave accordingly on Father’s Day- don’t forget, its only a month away!

Most of all Happy Mother’s Day to you all. I know firsthand after having been a single mother and a married mother that raising children is tough and doing it with grace is always a challenge. If you manage to get through this year following these simple tips, pat yourself on the back and accept your award of an amazing weekend with happy children.

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