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Home 9 Divorce 9 Your Summer Divorce Checklist

When divorce hits your Summer hard, Make sure you're prepared

Nobody plans on divorce. Unfortunately, many couples find themselves in one, no matter how hard they try. The Summer months tend to see an uptick in divorces, most likely because of more freedoms allowed with school-aged children. While this is a difficult time for almost everybody, there are things that you can do to ease the stress, hardships, and hurt. Use this divorce checklist to help you through.

Before Divorce

Many marriages end simply because of drifting or growing apart. Many marriage counselors advise that the parties try to reconnect before making a final decision. Typical activities could include:

Couple Time: Having exclusive time together without the stress or attention that comes with childcare can help strengthen bonds that are disappearing.

Marriage Counseling: Marriage counseling can help navigate through issues that the two of you are having a difficult time with.

Self-Time: Remembering your own self-rejuvenation time, even though you are trying to strengthen as a couple, is imperative. It allows for relaxation and unhindered thoughts.

Pre Filing Considerations

Sometimes, even with the most effort, divorce is inevitable. Preparing yourself and your surroundings can help the process go much more smoothly.

Bank Accounts: How many bank accounts do you have separately and together? What are the totals for each account? What types of accounts are there?

Credit Cards: How many credit cards are in your name? Your spouse’s name? Together? What are their balances?

Titles: Do you own your home? Whose name is on the title? Whose name is on any vehicle titles? Who paid the initial down payment? Did another home get “rolled” into this one?

Investments: Do you have investments together or on your own? What are their balances? Will stocks need to be considered? Did you contribute money to retirement both before and after marriage?

Business: Do you own a business together? Is it currently profitable? Who controls the business on a daily basis?

Income: Do you have savings? Do you currently have a job? Will you need to find work once separated?

Self Care

Aside from the financial details, it’s important to ensure that you are taking care of yourself. Divorce is stressful and can seriously damage work, other relationships, and even your health. Taking time for yourself can help relieve the everyday stress of the divorce process and keep you healthy through this difficult time.

Your Emotional Team: Enlist trusted friends or family members from your circle to regularly check on you. Use them to vent, talk, cry, or wherever else you may need to do to feel better.

Exercise: Make sure to get plenty of exercise to keep energy levels high and your mood elevated.

Legal Representation: Choose a family law attorney that you trust to guide you through the divorce process. Talk to a few different attorneys to find the right one. Selecting an attorney you communicate well with can help alleviate unnecessary stress.

Balekian Hayes Can Help

If you are navigating a divorce, know that you are not alone. The Balekian Hayes team provides compassion and direction to make this life transition as smooth as possible. Call our team to discuss your legal options and to talk to an honest lawyer.

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