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Chances of Second Marriage Working Out

Chances of Second Marriage Working Out Most statistics are clear; couples within Texas and around the country have about a 50% chance of making it through marriage. Those who end up going through a second marriage will tend to have only a 33% chance of making it. As...

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Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Jump Into Marriage

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Jump Into Marriage

It's unfortunate, but about half of all marriages in Texas end in divorce. While every couple thinks they're going to beat the odds, this isn't always the case. Some people rush into marriage without knowing much about their partner, while others get married because...

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Divorce can have some positive financial outcomes

Texas residents who are planning to or in the midst of a divorce may be concerned with the hit their finances may take due. While it is true that for some people, divorce can result in financial complications, for others, there may be positive financial outcomes....

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Community property and divorce asset division

When people in Texas decide to divorce, the financial consequences can be significant. Even after the emotional feelings about the end of the marriage have subsided and the practical matters are resolved, asset division can permanently change each partner's financial...

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How a court decides a child’s best interest

Texas physical custody cases often wind up hinging about the child’s best interest, which is a legal term that carries a lot of weight. The child’s best interests could be widely varied, but the court generally boils it down to three elements. Those are the child’s...

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Businesses are community property in Texas divorces

If you own a business and think you are the sole proprietor, Texas law does not necessarily agree. Family law views a business as a marital asset in this state. If you are married and get divorced, that business becomes part of the community property equally owned by...

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The different types of child custody in Texas

When issues arise within a family that lead to the separation of both parents, it can place any child in a tough position. This will often lead to a child custody case. A common misconception regarding child custody is that there is only one outcome with the child...

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Divorce and Retirement Assets: How Are They Divided?

How is Retirement Divided in Divorce? If you live in Texas and are getting a divorce, you may need to go through a process of dividing an annuity, an IRA or a 401(k). You may want to consult a financial professional along with your attorney during this process since...

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When your child wants to live with the other parent

When a Texas child wants to change residences between their parents' homes, it can be a difficult conversation between the child and parent. The parent needs to be extremely careful not to make the situation worse when having this conversation. However, if they have...

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What is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order in Texas?

Qualified domestic relations orders, which are issued by family law courts, grant divorcees in Texas a portion of an ex-spouse's retirement benefits. Benefits must be part of an employer-sponsored plan for the retirement plan to qualify. It is common to draft QDROs...

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Real talk about divorce in Texas

Divorces can be tense situations. Couples are worried about how their assets will be divided and about how much time they'll be able to spend with their kids. These are huge issues that impact people's lives for years down the road. In Texas, couples who are about to...

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Working out a co-parenting plan

Many divorcing couples see divorce as the end of their relationship, but when small children are involved, it is more about redefining the relationship as co-parents. Parenting can be hard, and co-parenting after divorce is no easier, but as long as parents keep the...

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How to make divorce easier

There is no way around the fact that a Texas divorce will be difficult. However, those going through the process can make it easier for themselves. Being methodical and rising above the bitterness are the best starting points for an easier divorce. Perhaps the hardest...

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